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Spotify is trying to be more transparent about what it pays artists on its platform with a new website called Loud and Clear. This data is kind of meaningless without context, and one thing that the company doesn't share is how many artists are on its platform. In a 2020 report, Rolling Stone claimed that Spotify said it had three million creators on its platform in 2018. Since then, Spotify has shared that 60,000 new songs are uploaded to Spotify every day, suggesting that there are likely many more than three million creators on the platform. Last year, 184,500 artists made over $1,000 USD ($1,249 CAD) on Spotify. Only 42,100 made over $10,ooo USD (roughly 12,400 CAD). An even fewer 13,400 people made over $50,000 USD (roughly $62,000 CAD), and over 7,000 people made over $100,000 USD (roughly $124,000 CAD). Only 870 artists made over $1 million on the platform. While the numbers don't exactly paint a picture of many people living happily off of their Spotify streams alone, many artists make revenue off more than one streaming service, plus live shows (in a non-COVID-19 world). On the platform, royalties (the amount an artist and its company are paid per song stream) are calculated through a method called 'Streamshare.' This means that every month, Spotify takes every song and calculates how much it was streamed compared to the total streams in that song's local market. So while that song might get $1 for every one in 1,000 streams, that one dollar is often split further down between these companies. A video on Spotify's new website says that, on average, Spotify pays rights holders two-thirds of every dollar made on the platform. Perhaps it's been coming under increased scrutiny since SoundCloud announced that it will pay artists using a different streaming metric to pay artists based on who is listening to them. You can find out more about how Spotify pays artists here. high quality imitation bagsbest prada bag replica
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Reports: Fake reviews are a growing problem on Amazon, Google
As reviews have grown in importance, so have efforts to game the system. The problem is growing on both Google Maps and Amazon, according to third-party analysis and reporting.
[F]or some popular product categories, such as Bluetooth headphones and speakers, the vast majority of reviews appear to violate Amazon's prohibition on paid reviews . . .
Many of these fraudulent reviews originate on Facebook, where sellers seek shoppers on dozens of networks, including Amazon Review Club and Amazon Reviewers Group, to give glowing feedback in exchange for money or other compensation. The practice artificially inflates the ranking of thousands of products, experts say, misleading consumers.
The Post says "many of these fraudulent reviews originate on Facebook." Accordingly, fake review solicitation becomes another variation on the "fake news" problem for the company.
Reviews are an explicit ranking signal at Google for local results (i.e., "prominence"). However, the company is substantially relying on volunteer contributors to fight map and local review spam.
It's well-documented that consumers rely heavily on online reviews in making buying decisions. The majority tend to trust them unless there are no critical reviews present.
Amazon and Google have periodically made corporate-level efforts to crack down on the problem. For example, Amazon filed a lawsuit in 2015 against a review solicitation company. And Google has taken steps from time to time to reduce local and review spam. Yelp has been more consistent, however, adding a "consumer alert" to business profiles when its review guidelines have been violated.
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