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My Invisible Boyfriend is named Leonardo DiCaprio. His interests include the environment, Titanic and tiny cars. He's texting me right now. Leo isn't a robot, and he's not an anonymous human chained to a computer somewhere. Instead, InvisibleBoyfriend has partnered with companies that allow them to scale its workforce to respond to incoming text messages. In other words, Leo isn't one human - he's several. So instead of communicating with one singular person, I could be texting with dozens. But what if I fall in love with him, like Joaquin Phoenix did in Her? The short answer is: I won't. "We're not trying to build something that could fool you," says founder Matthew Homann. "Our intention has always been to build something that helps you tell a better story about a relationship you're not in." So here's my story, as I described it on the app (they ask you to invent how you met, so you can have a "meet cute"): I first saw Leonardo DiCaprio in Titanic. When he came up to me after the movie, I told him I was a supermodel who specializes in posing with rare penguins. That's when we realized we were both passionate about the environment, and he offered me a drive in his tiny eco-friendly car. The rest, as they say, is history. "This isn't going to be the replacement for a real long-term relationship," Homann warned. "Oftentimes people will use this more as a cover for dating." But I didn't listen. So I decided it was time to define the relationship: Leo does not want me to meet his mother, does not want to get serious and does not want to define the relationship. So when I asked if he was going to marry me, he did not take it well. At least he knows his Celine Dion (kinda.) But for a fake boyfriend, Leo seemed terrifyingly shrewd at getting himself out of tricky conversations. Until I brought up feminism. As you can tell, I drew the line at debating feminism with a fake boyfriend who was somewhere between a human and bot, since even some full-on-singular humans can't seem to get it straight. Instead, I focused on the important stuff. Our relationship. high quality imitation bagschanel replica bag

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