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She scoured her order history and credit card statements thinking maybe she accidentally added it to her online cart. But there was no trace of the product. Then the packages kept coming.
According to experts and the Better Business Bureau, a consumer advocacy organization, receiving unsolicited packages may be part of so-called brushing scams. Companies, often operating overseas, purchase items and have them shipped to random recipients so the seller can then write a favourable review on the product.
"This is one of the ways that they goose up the number of positive reviews that they have."
Those who are targeted in a brushing scam aren't on the hook for anything that arrives at their door. That means they owe no money, nor do they have to return the delivered item. In Atkinson's case, she's given away a number of items from her mystery shopper.
"It's pretty pervasive and it's an insidious problem, so it's not an easy thing for them to solve."
Both St-Cyr and Kilcourse say that people can take action if they suspect they're receiving packages as part of a brushing scheme.
Consumers should also keep a close eye on their bank and credit statements to ensure they're not being charged for anything they didn't buy.
While Atkinson says the mystery of her surprise Amazon packages was entertaining at the beginning, now she hopes to see the deliveries disappear - especially given concerns about access to her private information.
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