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To test if the process actually worked, I signed up for two items, a camera light and microphone rig, both of which did not require leaving a review before receiving a full or partial rebate. After purchasing the products through Amazon, each seller promptly refunded me through PayPal. Both items were delivered by the ecommerce giant and arrived just as any other product purchased by Amazon would. This isn't just happening through ads. Earlier this month, a UK-based consumer advocacy group, Which?, released a report(opens in a new tab) about the growing problem of Amazon sellers using Facebook Groups to offer free products in exchange for reviews. SEE ALSO: Amazon claims its Rekognition software can now detect fear Using Facebook's Page Transparency feature, I found that all but one of the Pages analyzed for this piece had multiple Page managers based in China. Other managers were located in the United States, Canada, India, Israel, and the Philippines. None agreed to talk for this story. As opposed to Groups, Facebook ads are especially helpful to sellers looking for reviews because you can recruit honest consumers who were not actively looking to take part in incentivized review schemes. A few of these Facebook ads specifically asked to see examples of a user's previous Amazon reviews in order to deem if it would appear legitimate and trustworthy. 0 seconds of 0 secondsVolume 0% Mute/Unmutem Facebook outlines plan to further police inappropriate behavior in private groups high quality imitation bagshigh imitation burberry bag
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