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With that said, it's not as simple as just creating an account, answering questions, and voila - cash hits your bank account. There's a bit more that goes into generating Quora revenue.
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This is where things get a little meta.
It's going to take some testing to determine whether you want to do both or one over the other. But this is definitely an interesting mechanism for creators to play with.
Now, with the rise of platforms like Patreon, OnlyFans, and even Medium/Quora, these new monetization tools allow creators/writers to share in the upside, which is amazing. I remember, back in 2014, I was asking myself, "If video makers can make money from YouTube, where do writers write and earn a living?"
It's estimated that Medium has around -30 million users.
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If any platform is going to nail independent monetization for writers, it's going to be Quora or Medium.
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