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DJSimmy365 , I agree with others who have reviewed on here about the "impossible losing streaks". This isn't bad. BUT, I have never played a blackjack app ever with such seemingly rigged losing streaks. Dude, I play with basic strategy and in the first couple days of playing again on this app in a year the game was glad to give me a losing streak of 10 hands in a row! Like, what? I get it if this is like out of the ordinary, but it is very common more times than not that I will lose like 6 or 7 hands in a row. When you are going through hands fast and have to pay a minimum of 50 chips per single hand, only getting 200 per 4 hours, losing like this until you can't even play is extremely discouraging and which is why I have sadly switched to better blackjack apps. :( Perfect interface for the game in my opinion and I would prefer to play this app mainly because I enjoy the layout, but man these losing streaks and lack of chips are just keeping me away. Until next time. high quality imitation bagschanel flap bag

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