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Today I got a terrible experience at the Crown Casino, I went to watch a match there, after it finished I got confused about the exit where my car was parked. So being 100% sober my boyfriend and I tried to get back inside, to find the correct exit, but one of the guard said that "my boyfriend was using truck pants so he wasn't allow to go inside", we explained several times in a polite way the situation about the exit and the fact that we were just watching a match there (euro cup) because we are from Italy, but the guy insisted that we weren't allowed, in the middle of this situation a Asian girl try to get inside as well, wearing the same pants that my boyfriend was, and the guard said that it was fine, so I gave him this example and he refuse to help us, when we were just trying to go through the casino to get the correct exit till our car. It was definitely a racist and discrimination situation against us, because I can't find another explanation if 5 minutes before we were just there, and we just took the wrong exit when the guy saw us going out from it, we came back less than two minutes after that. On the top of that the Asian girl wearing the same pants it shows an evident racist and discrimination situation without reason. To never come back. Also because the atrium food is horrible for an expensive price, there much better buffets restaurant in Perth. Ps: inside of the Casino a lot of people were wearing shorts, truck pants and sweat pants. Curious that we were inside, and two minutes after left we couldn't come back just because of the mood of the rude guard. high quality imitation bagschanel boy flap bag

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