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Your paid focus group FAQs answered: How long do paid focus groups take? The time which is required from you for a paid focus group doesn't vary as much as other paid market research methods. Usually, paid focus groups will last between 60-90 minutes. If you're taking part face-to-face, you'll also need to factor in any travel time to get to the focus group venue. If you want to contribute to the future of products and services offered by big brands in a relaxed and fun environment, then paid focus groups are for you! In addition to the above, you will, of course, be compensated for taking time out to participate in a paid focus group; though the form of your incentive can vary, meaning you might not always be paid in cash. You could be paid in the form of a gift voucher, cheque or bank transfer. The amount of your incentive will also vary depending on how long the research lasts, how far you have to travel to take part, etc. Depending on the project, you will usually receive between £50 and £65 for a generic 60-min focus group. You'll always be informed of how much you will receive for taking part before the research is conducted. If you are taking part in a paid focus group, don't forget to take some photographic ID with you so you can receive your incentive. Read more about what to expect on the day of a paid focus group here. high quality imitation bagstote bags black friday sale

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