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It's now easier for sellers to manage their money on Amazon
Over the next few months, Amazon will roll out a new tool called Amazon Seller Wallet to simplify the global Amazon selling experience. This early stage solution gives sellers an easy, hassle-free way to hold, view, and transfer Amazon store proceeds directly to their bank account on their schedule-all within Seller Central, the go-to resource for small businesses that sell on Amazon.
An image of a person looking at the seller account dashboard on their computer screen.
There's no cost or minimum amount required to enroll in Amazon Seller Wallet, and account maintenance is free. When sellers convert and transfer funds, volume-based currency conversion and international transfer fees will apply.
Selling partner Maxwell Sigurdson-Scott, founder of MESS in Canada, has used Amazon Seller Wallet for the past few weeks. He said: "Amazon Seller Wallet has allowed me to easily manage my payouts all within Seller Central. The tool is simple to use and has saved me time and money."
Amazon has a long-standing history of providing a trustworthy selling experience for small businesses. We designed Amazon Seller Wallet using the back-end technology selling partners trust to keep their transactions safe and information secure.
Amazon Seller Wallet is one of the many payment options, financing opportunities, and funds management tools that we provide sellers to help them grow-now and in the future. In the last decade, we've introduced convenient financing options through Amazon Lending, rewards on Amazon purchases with the Amazon Business Prime American Express Card, and automatic proceeds disbursements through the Amazon Currency Converter for Sellers. We also connect sellers with more than 6,000 third-party service providers through our Seller Central Partner Network.
The initial launch of Amazon Seller Wallet is now available to a select number of small businesses that sell on We plan to collect feedback from sellers and continue to refine this tool over time. We look forward to offering this tool to more sellers, introducing it in other Amazon stores, and building out further capabilities, like third-party payments and foreign exchange rate tools, in the future.
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