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Unfortunately, one of Facebook's biggest strengths-close personal interaction-is often exploited for malicious purposes. Sometimes, the person you're having a conversation with might not be who you think they're. In an era of fake online profiles, it's important to stay vigilant. Here's a quick guide on how to spot a fake profile on Facebook. Why Do People Create Fake Facebook Profiles? Scammers use fake profiles of people's family members to trick people out of confidential information they'd typically not share with a stranger. They also use Facebook accounts impersonating celebrities or legitimate business organizations to fleece people of huge amounts of money. Once someone is able to assume a fake identity on Facebook and convince people that they're who they say they are, the possibility of what could go wrong is endless. So how exactly do you spot a fake Facebook account or profile? 2. An Inconsistent Timeline A lot of the fake accounts on Facebook are pawned off or hacked accounts. There's a surprisingly thriving black market for old Facebook accounts. If a person tries to impersonate another person with a new Facebook account, it's easier to spot. So, malicious individuals go for older accounts. Just about anyone can buy, say, a 10-year-old account of any country of choice. Sometimes, you'll find a long period of dormancy where there's no post at all and then a period of almost daily posting. This is a red flag. 3. Strange Stories with a Plea for Help Try to teach your friends and family to stop blindly accepting friend requests. Millions of people will automatically approve any friend request they get, which opens them and all of their friends up to malicious links and deception. high quality imitation bagschanel mini flap bag square

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