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Payouts from its fund and ad-revenue sharing range between a few cents to around $8 per 1,000 views. TikTok has introduced several features over the last few years to try to help creators make money, including compensating them out of its own pocket through programs like its Creator Fund. Influencers who have revealed their Creator Fund payments publicly or with Insider over the last few years have reported earning just a few cents for every 1,000 views their videos generate. In early 2023, TikTok began testing a new creator funding option it's calling the Creativity Program. The new program is designed to pay creators "higher average gross revenue" for videos that are longer than one minute. Like the Creator Fund, users must have at least 10,000 followers and have achieved 100,000 video views in the past 30 days to join. Creators can only participate in one of the two programs at a time. "I was super excited to join it, but I'm six cents richer today," Betts Waller, a gaming creator who has around 380,000 followers on his TikTok account Forrest Dump, told Insider. A company spokesperson told Insider that even if a user's video generates millions of views, it doesn't mean that each video view is followed by a Pulse ad. Due to the nature of the TikTok algorithm, some videos will contribute to more ad impressions than others, they said. "We're continuing to work on improving Pulse so that we can better support our creators and advertisers, and look forward to expanding our monetization opportunities," they said. YouTube rolled out a similar ad revenue-sharing program for its shorts feature in early 2023. Six creators who shared their February 2023 payouts with Insider reported earning hundreds of dollars for videos that garnered millions of views, amounting to effective RPMs of around 4 to 5 cents. high quality imitation bagschristian dior bag cheap

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