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How to spot fake reviews and shady ratings on Amazon It is against Amazon's rules for third-party sellers to pay or motivate people with free products or cash compensation. Many do, however, and evade detection by coordinating on platforms such as Facebook. A spokeswoman for Meta, Facebook's parent company, said, "Groups that solicit or encourage fake reviews violate our policies and are removed. We are working with Amazon on this matter and will continue to partner across the industry to address fake reviews." Amazon's legal action is a step toward reducing fake reviews on its platform. "Proactive legal action targeting bad actors is one of many ways we protect customers by holding bad actors accountable," said Dharmesh Mehta, an Amazon vice president who oversees customer trust, in a press release. I've written about how some sellers hunt down customers who leave negative reviews, and how others include inserts advertising gift cards or free products in exchange for reviews. A study from researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles, published on July 11, shows how products with fake reviews share a common set of reviewers. This pool could easily move to another communication channel. "We want Amazon customers to shop with confidence knowing that the reviews they see are authentic and trustworthy. That's why we take reviews abuse seriously and aim to prevent fake reviews from ever appearing in our store," an Amazon spokeswoman said in a statement following publication of this column. She said the company receives more than 30 million reviews a week, and that more than 12,000 Amazon employees work to prevent fraud and abuse, including fake reviews. "We have stopped hundreds of millions of suspected fake reviews before they were seen by a customer," she added. You'll still have to do some sleuthing in the reviews section when shopping online. I vet some products such as electronics or skin care more thoroughly, as shoddy quality or mislabeling can have larger consequences. You can't know with 100% certainty whether reviews were manipulated-even "verified purchase" ratings can be faked-but there are some telltale signs for the most blatant offenders. When you're on an Amazon listing, look for a small link with the number of ratings, right underneath the product's title. This link is a shortcut to the bottom of the page showing a summary of customer reviews. • Search for red flags such as "gift" or "free." In the search field ("Search customer reviews"), look for reviews that mention a gift card or free product in exchange, which might indicate that the seller is boosting ratings through financial incentives. high quality imitation bagsbest replica gucci bags
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