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Amazon details new legal action to combat fake reviews Such fraudsters allegedly operate more than 11,000 websites and social media groups that attempt to orchestrate fake reviews on Amazon and other stores in exchange for money or free products. At the same time, Gibson thinks these lawsuits fit more within a public relations campaign rather than a serious legal action – the problem is not likely to disappear. For example, Amazon could easily sue Facebook for not cracking down on fake review brokers but doesn't want to publicly fight with the social media giant. Amazon was a pioneer of product reviews, having introduced them in 1995 to help customers make more informed shopping decisions. As the problem of fake reviews emerged, the company formed teams of expert investigators dedicated to detecting and blocking them. Amazon claims it proactively stopped more than 200 million suspected fake reviews in 2020 alone. More from Cybernews: OldGremlin: ransomware gang getting on Russia's bad side Quantum computing developer: we know exactly how to scale high quality imitation bagscheap prada bags online

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