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The spread, also referred to as the line, is used to even the odds between two unevenly matched teams. Bookmakers set a spread with the hopes of getting equal action on both sides of a game. If you want to bet the Colts on the spread, it would mean the Colts need to win by at least three points for you to win the bet. The spread at -3 suggests the teams are fairly equal and maybe in this case, the Colts are only -3 because they are playing at home. That means whether you bet the Colts -3 or Texans +3, you'll win the same amount of money if you win the bet. If you like the Colts to win but think three points is a tricky number, a moneyline bet could be made on the winning team with no points in the equation. On the other end, the Texans could be +120 to win. Read More Sports Betting Q&As high quality imitation bagschanel replica bag

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