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The last few years have seen the meteoric rise of "superfake" handbags, reports the New York Times, where a wave of Chinese counterfeiters have become very adept at copying bags by Chanel, Gucci, Hermes, Louis Vuitton, and more. One anonymous authenticator admitted to the Times, that the knockoffs "are getting so good, to the point that it comes down to inside etchings, or nine stitches instead of eight," he said. And the counterfeit bag makers are fast now too. "It's gotten to the point that you can see something in season replicated within that season," Hunter Thompson, an authenticator for the RealReal consignment site told the Times. This all comes to the chagrin of the fashion houses that are spending billions to fight counterfeit merchandise. While the U. Even if those authorities decided to police this black market more closely, they'd find it quite difficult to disrupt the supply chain of counterfeit bag makers. That's why the fashion houses, of course, would prefer it if you just bought directly from them. high quality imitation bagsimitation burberry bag

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