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In Blackjack, or 21, the player must decide what to bet before the hand. This will tell you what move will be most statistically likely to win the hand you are holding in blackjack. It will not always win, but it is the best statistical chance you have, so give it a chance if you are stumped! Keep playing 247 Blackjack until your money is all gone - then restart! No need to wait additional time for more chips! If you are on a streak and need to leave your computer, no worries! Your fabulous money pile will be kept until you return! Just be sure to Resume your game when asked! As you win money watch your chips grow in denominations! Your highest money count will always be kept as your high record too, just so you always have something to strive for! One of the best things about 247 Blackjack is all the options it comes with! When you are on the home screen (or in the game, push the Menu button - three lines with three dots - in the bottom right to get to home screen - don't worry, you can resume!), click the middle Options button which looks like a wrench. Here you can select the number of decks you'd like to use, whether to auto bet your previous bet, whether a dealer hits on a soft 17 (soft seventeen is where an ace is used as eleven in the dealer's hand), whether you want the insurance option during the game, and whether you'd like auto advice (which turns the game advice on for every hand). And heads up card readers! Just like in the casinos, the cards will automatically shuffle when you get down to half left, so it'll be a bit harder to read what will be coming out next. We know you're going to LOVE 247 Blackjack so just give it a go! Have a great time using your skills and a little good luck to enjoy the best Blackjack game around! high quality imitation bagsauthentic prada bags cheap

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