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Meanwhile, Trustpilot said 1,425 formal "cease and desist" letters were also issued to "bad actor" businesses – an increase of 38 per cent year on year. Trustpilot's founder and chief executive, Peter Muhlmann, said: "Any attempts to manipulate and undermine confidence in our platform cannot and will not be tolerated. "Over the last year, we have continued to make significant investments and progress in our detection technologies and enforcement strategy. "This is helping us to increasingly take more confident action against those breaking the rules. "Those seeking to mislead consumers will always look for new ways to exploit and manipulate reviews. Other reasons include abusing the reporting tool by repeatedly only flagging negative reviews to Trustpilot or soliciting fake reviews. The company is now filing litigation against businesses which refuse to play by the rules and fail to respond to repeated enforcement. SWNS high quality imitation bagschanel classic flap bag medium
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