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pros and cons of driving for Amazon Flex
Amazon Flex drivers are independent contractors who use their own vehicles to deliver items ordered from Amazon, including
plotting the delivery route
Drivers for Amazon Flex work on schedule blocks, meaning they must prearrange work times, show up at the delivery station on time, and complete all the deliveries within the scheduled block. This YouTube video from the Side Gig Guy describes how schedule blocks work, and offers general tips about working for Amazon Flex.
You are expected to get all the goods delivered within the scheduled time block. While that usually isn't an issue, it can become problematic, depending on the number of items, traffic, and other delays. If you work beyond your scheduled block, you won't be paid for the extra time it takes to finish all your deliveries.
be 21 years of age or older
2 GB or higher RAM
Like any job in the gig economy, Amazon Flex has its plus points and a few considerations to think about before you sign up. Here are some interesting items to consider on both sides of the equation.
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working on our first blues religion cd together.