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Was looking through reviews on a product (an HDMI switch to share a 4k monitor between two computers) and noticed that every single review was for a completely different product - a blanket or something. The only thing I can think of - they were selling a cheap blanket, got a fuck-ton of positive reviews because - you know - how can you fuck up a simple blanket.... then changed it to a shitty HDMI switch, carrying over all the overwhelmingly positive reviews for a product that didn't really work when I got it. Reported the product and amazon responded that it didn't see any issues. I still haven't found a good switch. :/ Yeah, 1TB USB stick is my go-to example of terrible Amazon products. All the weird off-brand stuff for about £30. Store 1TB on that if you dare, because it's likely to have something like an 8GB chip inside. Fill it up, it just loops round and corrupts itself. Each one has reviews for innocuous hard to fuck up things like phone cases and HDMI cables. Same! This just happened to me yesterday. I bought a "fast" wireless charger pad for my phone, mainly because it had a almost all good reviews, and it charges so slowly that it won't charge the phone in under 4 hours unless it's off. I included pictures of the phone on the charger with the time until the battery is full AND a little card included by the manufacturer that says they'd give me an Amazon gift card in exchange for proof of a 5 star review. Amazon did not like that.high quality imitation bagscheap gucci crossbody bags
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