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This version is more properly called Punto Banco, or mini-Baccarat, to differentiate it from the original game, which can still be found in some casinos, mainly in Europe and Asia. The Rules of Baccarat The hand that totals nearest to nine will win. But that is only a cosmetic alteration in the game play, added for entertainment purposes, and it in no way influences the outcome of the game. So an ace is worth one point, a seven is worth seven points and so on. So, a hand that contains a 7 and a 9 becomes 6. If no hand is dealt a natural 8 or 9, then the following applies; If the Player drew an ace, a 9, a 10, or a face-card, the Banker draws with 0–3 and stands with 4–7. high quality imitation bagschanel extra mini flap bag

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