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In fact, there are advocates of eliminating the penny and making the nickel the lowest denomination available. If you're the manager in that situation, and you have a game that costs a penny to play per spin taking up the same amount of space as a game that costs a dollar to play per spin, how do you make up for the big difference in stakes? An average slot machine player makes 600 spins per hour. If you're playing a dollar game with a 93% payout rate, you'll get $558 back, or lose $42. Smart penny slots players pay attention to this sort of thing and don't fall for the psychological tricks involved in penny games. The best strategy is to figure out how long you want to play and how much you can afford to lose, and then set your stakes according to that budget. So increasing or decreasing the size of your bet has no effect, either. Each spin of the reels is 100% independent of the other spins before it or after it. high quality imitation bagsmedium chanel flap bag

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