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YouTube is one of the most used video streaming platforms around the globe. By monetizing videos, creators can make money by making exciting and thrilling videos. Many creators earn more by making videos on YouTube than by being in the corporate estate. You must be 18 years old or older. If you are under 18, you need a signed form from a parent or guardian. You need more than 1,000 subscribers to your channel The number of times someone clicks on an ad First of all, not every view of your video counts as "1 View" in the process of ad revenue. Someone has to watch the video and ad for at least 30 seconds for it to be counted as a view. This is important because you don't get paid every time someone watches your video. For your channel to get paid, viewers must watch the ad for at least 30 seconds or the full ad if it's shorter than 30 seconds. You can't do much about this except hope that YouTube shows your audience ads interesting enough to make them watch much of it. The second factor is that YouTube's CPM changes depending on who is watching. CPM stands for "cost per mile," which is the amount an advertiser pays every time an ad is seen by 1,000 people. This difference in CPM is based on the country, and different countries pay different amounts for ad views. Norway and Germany are two examples of countries with high CPM. Conclusion: 22 Best iPhone Widgets: Boost Your Productivity high quality imitation bagsdesigner replica bags from china
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