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BetMGM - Best Massachusetts Sportsbook We voted as the best overall Massachusetts sportsbook.
Once they do, expect promotions and a solid online and mobile experience.
The legal age in Massachusetts for sports betting is 21 years old.
Promotions & Offers At Massachusetts Sportsbooks
: MLB Spring Training is underway and legalized sports betting will soon expand to online and mobile, BetMGM Sportsbook announces their partnership with the Red Sox.
📅 January 31 : Almost six months after the Massachusetts sports betting bill to legalize sports betting (the Massachusetts Sports Wagering Act) was signed into law, retail sports betting launches at three of the state's casinos: MGM Springfield, Encore Boston Harbor, and Plainridge Park Casino.
The fourth location, Raynham Park (Caesars Sportsbook), is expected to launch in the summer.
📅 January 23 : Caesars Sportsbook announces plans to open a retail MA sports betting location; a 30,000 square-foot sportsbook location at Raynham Park.
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