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However, to win, you must also end with a higher score than the dealer, or hope that the dealer goes bust. How a Blackjack Hand Plays Out Aces are valued one or 11, and picture cards are all valued 10. If both scores are the same, your stake is returned. The best hand is called a blackjack, where you make 21 with your first two cards, so an ace and a ten or an ace and a picture card. In the live dealer games, the 'shoe' which holds the decks of cards, is replaced periodically by new decks of cards that you can see being shuffled first by an assistant. There are two reasons you might do this, and both revolve around the concept that because tens, jacks, queens and kings are all worth ten, there's a high chance the next card will be that value: If your two cards total nine, ten or 11, you can double down and receive one more card, hoping it will be a ten, making you 19, 20 or 21. If the dealer's face-up card is a poor five or six, you might assume his second card is a ten, giving a total of 15 or 16. high quality imitation bagsysl crossbody bag replica

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