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You also need to be 18 or older and make sure you're following the TikTok Community Guidelines and terms of service. And in order to make money off your work, you should be making original content. As with any new social media feature, there has been plenty of debate (and downright drama) over the TikTok Creator Fund. From valid concerns to surprising benefits, let's dig into the pros and cons of the fund: Some users have claimed that their views have been cut (by the algorithm?) since they signed up for the Creator Fund. TikTok has denied this theory, explaining that participation in the fund has no bearing on the algorithm. Others think view counts might seem lower because there are so many more Fund recipients flooding the feed. Outside of hearsay, the biggest potential downside of the Creator Fund is the simple fact that you'll need to create a ton of content, and have it perform incredibly well, in order to make cash from the app. For some, that might make TikTok feel more like a job than a fun hobby. If you're already signed up for TikTok with a Pro account, you can skip this step. Otherwise, simply open the app and tap Me to go to your profile. 4. Submit and wait. Schedule posts for the best times, view performance stats, and comment on videos in Hootsuite. Try it free for 30 days high quality imitation bagsfaux chanel bags cheap

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