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In this post, we will pull the covers back on what a fake reviewer looks like, compare this to a real reviewer, and examine how this information could be used to prevent these shady practices from happening. We will also get into how downloads and reviews are faked, if you are not familiar with the process. Once the dubious accounts are setup, article spinning software can spit out hundreds of variations of one review, making it difficult for spam detection programs to figure out that they were written by the same person. Another way to make fake reviews look more human is to actually pay someone to post reviews with these accounts. If a shady developer (or PR firm) does not want to go through the trouble of setting this up themselves, the easiest and fastest way to get a lot of 5-star reviews is to simply buy them. There are numerous sites out there that will allow you purchase reviews. Here is a small sample of the options available on Fiverr. Some of these offerings appear to offer honest reviews, but the fact that they are being paid to do it, makes them very questionable. People are certainly entitled to their opinion and negative feedback can actually be useful to a developer because it shows how the app can be improved. This person might also only leave bad reviews and doesn't leave a review when an app is good. Whatever the case may be, this very low average rating should be a good indicator of review authenticity, but let's see what the rest of the data says. 0126-23-sentences-per-review.jpg Here is an example (errors in bold): Review Character Count Analyzing Other Top 25 Users high quality imitation bagsburberry bag fake

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