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Packing Whole Foods groceries for delivery While most food-delivery jobs require having your own smartphone, Amazon provides a phone for receiving Prime Now orders. This and the lack of vehicle requirements make becoming an Amazon Prime Now store shopper immensely accessible. In 2018, Amazon announced a $15 minimum wage for all Amazon employees. This wage also applies to Prime Now shoppers. Because delivery drivers fulfill the final step in Prime Now orders, you never leave your designated Whole Foods location during a shift. Additionally, you select your own shifts as a Prime Now shopper depending on your availability. Ultimately, this means becoming a Prime Now shopper is a flexible side gig with more potential if you choose to pursue it. This is an advantage over most gig jobs where being an independent contractor is the only possibility. Amazon also states they are an equal opportunity employer and hire regardless of sexual orientation, race, and gender identity. If you're looking for an inclusive workplace, Amazon is worth checking out. Application Process for Prime Now Shoppers Amazon asks questions about your education level and whether you're willing to submit to a pre-employment drug test. You also complete an assessment test that takes approximately 15 minutes. This involves answering a questionnaire about your work ethic and how previous employers would rate your performance. There are also informative modules that explain Amazon warehouse rules and procedures, even if you apply to a Prime Now shopping job. high quality imitation bagsgucci crossbody bag cheap
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