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The $10 is credited to your Amazon account and you also have the option to donate it to charity. There are charitable organizations listed on the app, but I'll list a few here:
Feeding America
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
I honestly didn't know about this new program until I got an email invite from Amazon recently. Had I known about it earlier I would have downloaded the app and joined the wait-list so I could earn the $10 a month sooner.
The receipts can take up to 6 hours or longer to be reviewed. It took 2 of my receipts until the next day to go through. If you accidentally submit a receipt and want to delete it, you can. Amazon will delete the image and the information they got from it. As far as other privacy information, you can go directly to the Amazon website and read through their FAQs and find other relevant information.
You could also use the $10 to buy something you need like soap, toothpaste, toilet paper, or anything else that you need around the house from instead of Amazon Fresh. If you have Amazon Prime you don't need to hit a min order amount to get the soap or toothpaste shipped free.
If you want some extra money every month this Amazon program is definitely worth a try. You don't have to actively do anything unless your answering surveys and taking a picture of your receipts is simple to do and doesn't require a lot of time.
I haven't had this app for long, but I'm excited to have found an app to earn some extra money and is relatively passive. If you haven't already joined the wait-list, then take a look at the Amazon Shopper Panel App and read the reviews from others and then decide if you want to join.
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