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Amazon Music is Amazon's music streaming service and is divided into Prime, Unlimited and Free versions. Amazon Music Prime was born in 2014 and, as its name suggests, it did so as a complement for Prime members. This means that all Amazon Prime users can enjoy this service at no additional cost. This version includes access to more than 2 million selected songs, thousands of stations and the best playlists. How to get an artist profile on Amazon Music? Once the app is downloaded, fill in all the required information on the verification page. It is very important that you don't leave any field blank, including the company or distributor section. Finally, claim the profile. As an artist you can't do it personally. If you want your music catalog to be included on Amazon Music, you must contact your record company or, if you are an independent artist, you can use the services of a distributor. If the occasion requires it, Republic Network could be in charge of distributing your musical catalog so that it is available on Amazon Music and the rest of the streaming platforms on the market. How to include your music on Amazon Music playlists? To do this you have to access Amazon Music for Artists and from there the New Releases tool, where you must: –Add the lyrics. high quality imitation bagsgucci bag cyber monday
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