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1 star I just got banned for no reason that these company are false advertising and misleading illegal business practice there address is provided fake information there email contact is fake there email does not exist and if you call there number it's fake so I did some investigation my self and I found where there location is one is the main building in new York the other one is there headquarters office in ********** and they say they are located in ****** which is a lie I knew this app was a scam in the first place there new update version for the app has a dangerous tojron horse virus that will banned your account for no reason and they will lie to you and not tell the truth why your account is banned then they threatening to file a false police report say I hack there servers by a DDOS attack and planted a ransware virus which is lie and they are trying to set me up by lie to the police and try to get me arrested I would not recommend using this app even new users or old user that use this app ***** need to banned there app permanently and shut them down. 09/25/2022 You would be better off giving your clothes to the homeless for a better feeling than being scammed. It was fine at first the fees are ridiculous and they accuse you of violating policy and dont prove anything but delete your account. Verified Reviewer I bought a Chanel purse on depop for over $2000 that was advertised as authentic with box, receipts, authenticity card on depot. Bought it on sat and Seller say will ship out in one Tues. By Tuesday still had not ship so i suspect its a scam and ask seller to text me picture of purse prior to shipping. Still no picture or confirmation ship. By Friday I report depot again requesting a refund due to no shipment. Seller finally ship out that sat. Still no picture of purse .Once I received item it was a counterfeit. The chanel purse, leather, stitches, locks, hardware and quilting were all off. I emailed these pictures to depop and they refuse to refund stating item is not significantly different . its a counterfeit so of course its not significantly different but those that I describe. I emailed them pictures of comparison and even send them what to look for in a fake purse. Still depop refuse to acknowledge this was a counterfeit and decide to not refund and acknowledge this was scam. The difference between real and fake was so obvious but Depop still refuse to acknowledge. They ask the seller for receipt of authenticity and seller email them one, which was her grandmother receipt.You get no refund on counterfeit item and you get scam even though nothing in the picture was sent with the purse. No box, no authenticity card and receipt as advertise. The con artist will continue to use same receipt to sell and advertise fake purse and Depop is allowing it. Review fromMadeline B Depop is a terrible company with awful support for sellers and buyers alike. Depop is currently withholding $4003.23 USD from me. It is money I earned from sales I made in the app from April to June in 2022. And they refuse to give it to me. I will never use this app again. They have done countless unethical things to me and many other sellers I've spoken to. If you want to sell or buy vintage clothing I recommend ** or ****** or literally any other marketplace app. Selling on Depop was my full time job for 3 years. I believe they started specifically targeting my shop and forcing me out when I asked them to send me the money I was owed. I feel used and cheated. I don't want anyone else to go through this kind of mistreatment and abuse of power. 07/18/2022 high quality imitation bagslv high quality replica bags

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