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Yes, blackjack is among the many legal games available at commercial and tribal casinos in New York.
One is to play on social and sweepstakes casinos that use virtual currencies and, in some cases, provide the option to redeem winnings for cash prizes.
Chumba Casino is one, offering a traditional blackjack game plus a variant - Back Blackjack - that allows an extra side bet on whether there will be a blackjack.
Check the rules for the game you're playing to see how the casino handles this situation.
However, if your first two cards add up to 21, that's a natural blackjack, in which case you win more.
Doubling down - After you get your first two cards, you can double your original wager while receiving just one additional card.
Perfect Pairs - A variant involving a side wager on whether your initial two cards form a pair.
Choose a variant that is right for you - There are several blackjack variants available online.
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