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my son - rob rowe a 10 year old multi - talented musician.
"The two most popular Burberry patterns are the Classic Check (left) and the Nova Check (right).
This is nigh on impossible to spot when shopping online, but when browsing in person or checking out your delivery, you want to delve deep into those seams.
Burberry is known for its thorough craftsmanship, so you won't find needlework that's haphazard or botched.3.
According to Milwood, every bag should contain either a metal plaque or a leather tag.
"The metal plaque should match the colour of the bag's hardware," she said, adding that there will also be a "Burberry – London" engraving.
Does it say "Made in China"? Well, that doesn't mean it's fake.
"Nowadays, Burberry does make some items in China, especially smaller bags and accessories, so don't worry," said Milwood.
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