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JACK Entertainment, which owns the JACK Cleveland Casino and JACK Thistledown Racino in North Randall, plans to offer betting at both locations and online and on mobile.
Suliman said both locations will have Las Vegas-style sportsbooks with video walls, comfortable lounge chairs and all the amenities that go along with that.
JACK also is planning a website and an app under the betJACK banner.
While it'll offer bets on a variety of sports - even things like table tennis - Suliman said JACK plans to have a big focus on Cleveland sports.
What will the sports gambling industry look like?
There are 11 casinos and racinos in Ohio, with casinos offering table games and slot machines and racinos offering only slots, along with horse racing.
Suliman said sports gambling is expected to reach $500 million in revenue across Ohio when the industry matures.
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