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Do you spend a huge chunk of your days on TikTok? Here's your chance to get paid for it. Ubiquitous, an influencer marketing company, is offering over P5,000 per hour to three people who will watch videos on the popular social media platform for 10 hours. According to its official website, Ubiquitous is on the hunt for TikTok users who are at least 18 years old and are familiar with not just social media trends, but also its patterns. "The chosen candidates will help us to discover emerging trends by filling out a simple document to note the recurring trends they spot," the agency explained. Participants would also need to talk about their experience online and tag the company in their posts. To apply as a "professional TikTok watcher," make sure to follow these simple steps: Subscribe to Ubiquitous' YouTube channel Optional: Share why you deserve the job on Twitter and tag them at Ubiquitous_HQ. The agency said this could increase your chances of winning. Deadline for applications is on May 31. Winners will be announced 28 days later. Good luck! high quality imitation bagscheap shoulder bags

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