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Why is the tracking information not updated after placing an order? As we all know, China is a "world factory". 90% of sellers on DHgate are Chinese, and they sell good quality products at a competitive price to people from every corner of the world through all kinds of online platforms like DHgate. Besides, products are shipped from China directly without 1st middle man or 2nd middle man. In a word, it is inadvisable to return back low-value products to China. For such products, there are two common and reasonable solutions: the first kind, according to the actual situation, you can negotiate with sellers about the refund amount: full refund or partial refund. In the second kind, if you aren't in need of the product urgently, you can let the seller resend a new one. Usually, a reliable seller is willing to tackle the dispute. 5. Sellers charge shipping fees but the product listing shows free shipping. So what you need to do is just master the time schedule instead of worry, and your refund won't be lost. The following chart is the rule about refund time for your reference. From the above several scams, it is obvious that those problems usually exist in small-scale sellers and grocery stores. So it is better for you to choose large-scale and professional sellers to cooperate with. By doing so, you are more likely to get good quality products and reliable after-sales service. In addition, a reliable seller won't provide ambiguous product information or urge you to place an order by some unreal photos. Supported payment methods on DHgate high quality imitation bagsbest superfake bags
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