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Trustpilot investigation leads to swift removal of 83 Fiverr profiles Uncovering the network During a series of systematic checks, one of Trustpilot's Fraud Detection Specialists repeatedly came across similar profiles on Fiverr. It wasn't long before he began piecing together a large network of freelancers, all offering to write fake reviews on Trustpilot. The similarities were striking. Out of the 66 profiles originally found, 45 of them used the same or a similar text in their ad description, and many of the profiles had the same profile picture and/or banner photo for their ad. Fraud detection at Trustpilot A 'win' in the fight against fake reviews "This is a big win for us. Removing a profile gets us closer to the root of the problem. When an ad is removed, it's relatively easy for the freelancer to quickly post a new one. But when a profile is removed, the freelancer has to start from scratch, as their previous gigs, experience, training and reviews of their service have been deleted," says Rob Smorenburg, Fraud Detection Specialist at Trustpilot. Advertising for or buying fake reviews is illegal. These practices undermine the foundation of our industry and conflict with Trustpilot's core values. Trustpilot encourages companies to enter into a dialogue with their customers rather than being tempted by fake reviews. There are no shortcuts to building a strong online reputation, but it can definitely be done. At Trustpilot, the key to a great TrustScore is great customer service. If companies actively engage with their customers, respond to reviews and make improvements based on customer feedback, they're likely to see these efforts reflected in the reviews they receive, and their TrustScore. Trustpilot has created a range of resources to help companies engage with their customers, improve their customer service and build their online reputation - and they're free. high quality imitation bagscheap saint laurent bag

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